Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Still Have to Becarefull although "Let The Market Rule"........

Can someone use a suitable animal to describe what is a "Equity Market"? For me I prefer to describe it as Crocodile/ Buaya. Why ? Because when the crocodile want to hunt for victim they usually will pretent stagnent and open up their Big Mouth, then what if a bird fly into it's mouth...... "KAP" the crocodile will straigth away swallow the pitty bird..

So in this crucial crocodile world, we need to be smart as mousedeer, we must well understand the whole trend and do not ever "Bang" against the train (Trend). If today the whole world is talking about the "Shanghai Bubble" then do u dare to say NO ? My bos told me before we can only "die" one time. If in this case I would like to wait rather to react because our upside (profit) is limited meanwhile expose to an unlimited downside risk...

For Malaysian, there are plentty of good stocks like SAAG perform much much greater return than you buy China Food or others foreign share. Foreign share for the moment is not so encouraging due to the whole regional market sentiment is volatile and the higher currency exposure. Again the " Far Water could not safe Near Fire " theory have to be consider in our judgement whether to invest overseas or not for the current moment.....

Berhati-hati di Bursa Saham...


cryptic coder said...

Buaya..buaya everywhere!! Even the futures market got buaya!! Trades done at the low of 1306.5 on 30 May 2007 can also be cancelled by Bursa, stating computer glitch. Buyer who bought at 1306.5, sold at higher price, then have his original buy trade cancelled must be fuming he is left standing high and dry with sell position! Ali Baba must investigate...there are more than 40 thefts happening in Bursa Derivative these days... Let salvotore know of this too...he should be interested to find out who the BIGGEST THIEF is....

Ali BAba said...

Thanks cryptic coder, I will let the world know about this. Take care Charlie......
